Similar to vitamin C, but has the benefit of protection against the effects bad sunshine directly (photoaging) is better. Experiments show that the skin becomes stronger against damage when treated with astaxanthin before exposure to sunlight / radiation. Furthermore, the skin recovers quickly from sun damage after the use of astaxanthin on the skin. Therefore, astaxanthin provides a very sun protection both inside the skin as an internal sunscreen.


Astaxanthin helps stimulate collagen production in the skin. The main function This collagen compound is responsible for maintaining elasticity skin color. Astaxanthin can inhibit melanogenesis or reduce melanin production (about 40 percent) reduces age spots, spots, and dark eye circles gradually. The effect is higher rather than vitamin C.

Astaxanthin is a very popular trend in Asia. There have been a number of studies on the benefits of astaxanthin on skin, research this has shown a substantial increase: (between 35 to 59 percent) in the reduction of wrinkles, skin smoothness, skin moisturizers and elasticity over a period of 2 to 12 weeks.The human body does not produce astaxanthin and must be obtained through Food intake such as lobster, salmon, shrimp, or supplements.

Astaxanthin products from UNIHEALTH use this type of astaxanthin haematococcus pluvialis of green algae, which has strength astaxanthin up to 20,000x stronger than astaxanthin contained on shrimp & lobster.
Astaxanthin application from outside with Asta-Gen or Renewskin consumption while for faces using Astaderm, as well as body treatments using Asta-Spa, can provide many benefits to the skin and provides a new dimension to anti aging technology.

Source: Dermascope. (Escylopedia of aestehecis and Spa therapy).

UNIHEALTH products serve as complementary therapy and supplements to support health conditions. For those who are in the care of the doctor is advised to consult with a doctor first.

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